With any business, it is key to plan what the next 6-12 months will look like. Promotions, events or even just the tourism influx will have an effect on your busy or down time period.

With a Marketing strategy, you can plan on how all teh elements of your business play a role in overall success and also what part of that role they play

It is an ever-changing market and it is key to not only plan for every campaign, but get a good understanding on how it will effect your business and drive results.



We work with you on ensuring that we look at all the parts of your business, that you leverage for marketing purposes. Then isolate what has been working for you. Once we determine the role that each part plays, we determine individual strategies for each platform. With strategies on how each platform plays a role in the business, we now use our ‘Integrated Approach’ to tie all those elements together in a unified strategy. Every part of your business plays a vital role, but having the ability to tie it all together with marketing, is what give you an edge over competitors.


Integrated Approach with a phased approach. When taking any of our services, we ensure to follow this process.


We determine every channel that is leveraged by your business. – Social – Email – Web – OTA’s With those channels, we determine how they have been used in the past and run a report on what historical ROI is.


We run a marketing mindset through each of the discovered channels and determine what an estimated ROI could be, if we have a strategy behind it.

 Individually for each channel, we create a micro strategy, that will enhance individual results or experiences.



Now we tie in everything with a Macro strategy, looking at all the channels holistically and determine exactly how each channel can ‘support’ the other equivalent channels.

Integration is key to making sure that we use channels in harmony, no customer wants to go through similar process or receive same marketing material on different channels. We ensure that we integrate marketing pathways to create a more unified experience.


We work on an 'Integrated pricing' approach. We do make sure that we only charge you for the services that will drive results and after our initial consulting session, we determine exactly what those services are.
Louis Bali was born to make sure that we can bring international skills, to local businesses. We want to be an Anti agency and deliver results with complete transparency and openness if there is at any point, any issues, we will endeavour to ensure our service overcomes any obstacles.

We are your marketing team.



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